Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are we now witnessing the self-destruction and disintegration of the Obama campaign for president?

Does the Obama campaign have enough gas in the tank to make it to the finish line in Denver?Are we now witnessing the self-destruction and disintegration of the Obama campaign for president?
It was only a matter of time before Obama self-destructed. He's a lightweight who doesn't have what it takes to play politics in the big time. However, even though I despise Obama, I am not without feelings, and my heart truly went out to him when he gave his speech about Rev. Wright the other day. I just happened to turn on the TV when he came on, and it was obvious that it was very painful for Obama to speak harshly about his mentor. I can see that Obama feels betrayed and used because all along he has thought Jeremiah loved him more than he loves fame and money and attention. I've been betrayed by friends before, so this struck a chord with me. Obama is also very naive for thinking that Wright would support him becoming president, but how can Wright do this? If Obama were to become president, Wright couldn't make by money by preaching hatred for America for oppressing African-Americans. All that being said, Obama is still a moron who deserves everything he's getting, and he's still so arrogant that he won't admit that he's known all along what a fruit loop Wright is. Obama has been taking Americans for fools throughout his entire campaign, and what poetic justice that he's the one who has been made a fool out of by his dearest friend. So you see, I do have feelings, but they just don't run very deep when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama. Will the campaign make it until Denver? I don't know. It will be interesting to see if some powerful Democrats encourage Barack to drop out like they did Hillary a few weeks ago. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Hillary's house right now. She's got to be overjoyed at the gift she's been given at the hands -- I mean mouth of Jeremiah Wright. This has been the best presidential election year of my life, that's for sure. Peace to you, Yak Rider.Are we now witnessing the self-destruction and disintegration of the Obama campaign for president?
ruqaiyya - you are showing true racist hateful bigotry (the anti-semitic variety). ';Jews control the media'; is much older than even Nazism.

More accurately, Jews worked tirelessly to stop the fake emails accusing Obama of being Muslim (while agreeing that a Muslim would be fine) %26amp; to let each other know they were lies to be disregarded.

To answer the question, I can't see him getting to the presidency now... but it's going to take a real creative twist for DNC to vote in Hillary given the current count. The next few elections will be telling - then FL %26amp; MI will suddenly come into play or not, depending on what happens behind closed doors in the DNC in the next month.
Obama is suffering from a conspiracy to cut him from general election because the Jewish- run media and mindless government have a vendetta against Muslims and have worked relentlessly to make Obama look like a radical in disguise to the American people. It's absolutely ridiculous to watch it all unfold before our eyes. How do you ruin someone's reputation quickly in the eyes of the American people? Insinuate that they are a Muslim or a radical (because they two labels are used interchangeably). As for Wright, who cares really what he thinks..he's probably being paid by Clinton to create a catastrophe anyway. Besides that, some of the things he says isn't entirely wrong anyway. America is imperialist and self-centered. I don't agree with the HIV thing, but it's his opinion anyway- not Obama's opinion. I believe Barack Obama is who this country needs now and I hope this doesn't ruin him in the end. Why does American society march to the drum of the media? Are we that brainwashed and pathetic? Get out of the matrix people and think for yourself!!! OBAMA 08
Hanging out with billionaires in their private quarters and calling the other boobs whose vote you are seeking miserable slobs who only cling to their faith and their guns out of misery won't help you out much. Nor will calling them a bunch of xenophobes.

(Guess we know where Obama stands on enforcing our border, don't we?)

The man is a complete scam, and it's just a shame that it's taken so long for so many people to see that. When you have a politician endlessly talking about hope with very little substantive policy analysis, that should tell you something. His voting record also belies where he stands.

Now we learn he spent 20 years attending a church and exposing his own kids to a racist pastor who on far too many occasions revealed a hatred for his own country. And after praising this man so, we're supposed to believe he never ran into this kind of rhetoric? Yeah, right.

I don't know if Hillary can catch Obama. She's got an uproad battle with North Carolina ahead. We shalll see...

Regardless, Obama took a shore thing and set it sailing over the guardrail.
I think the the good reverend may have driven a stake through the heart of the obama campaign. One can only hope for change, or it is change for hope I get those confused.
I doubt it.

I think Rev. Wright has done him in.
Let's hope so. What a con artist.
  • tvs
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