Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How many homeless could be fed using the millions that are spent every campaign season?

Or consider other similar purposes that are actually worthwhile, as opposed to squandering millions of dollars just on one political campaign (nevermind all of the campaigns across the USA added together).

Isn't it downright shameful what money is wasted on in our system?How many homeless could be fed using the millions that are spent every campaign season?
America have no homelessHow many homeless could be fed using the millions that are spent every campaign season?
Look at it this way. Almost all of the money spent on election campaigns goes to buy radio and television advertising. Therefore, most of this money makes it possible to produce programs on tv that you watch. If the networks did not have the revenue from political campaigns, they would have to make it up by charging more for commercials for cars or soap or beer or whatever. So political advertising is really no more wasteful than any other kind of advertising. Now if we wanted to avoid waste, what we would have to do would be to subsidize television networks by tax dollars, and if we all deemed it educational to have a certain amount of political advertising, we could require the networks to run a certain number of hours of political advertising for free. But we all still have to pay in some way or another for the cost of the programs we watch on television, whether in the form of political advertising, or in the cost of other products that are advertised on television.
the money use is oh so wasteful but a statement of our times

nothing wrong with being homeless, but the government shouldn't feed them...
The problem is that people look to feeding the homeless as opposed to looking at the real REASONS for their homelessness: Veterans, abused individuals, Mental illness and incarceration are the most common reasons (not the only ones) for homelessness.

WHILE many people could be fed with the money spent on campaigns, that is not the answer. You can feed the internal hunger of a human BUT unless you feed the mental and physical anguish of what caused them to be homeless in the first place, you will continue wasting money without any finite resolution.
Good question! I always wondered why a person would spent 15 million dollars for a job that only pays $400,000. Must be a greater award in it then what I have seen. You are right, we could be feeding %26amp; sheltering the many homesless veterans from our other great war,Vietnam. But, that would be helping others %26amp; who the hell wants to do that?
Giving food to able-bodied adults is MORE shameful. Wanna eat? Get off your duff and EARN your food!
i'd be more concerned with the amount of money being spent on the war...
What a lame question...
Why would you want to feed the homeless and encourage their behaviors that put them there in the first place?

Besides, if you are homeless in anything resembling a major city and going hungry you're doing something wrong.
I could care less about putting those who choose to live under a bridge in a government funded house, I see enough of that already, But I will agree with you on the fact that the way this is paid for is a shame. Each party should be required to submit a candidate for Pre. and VP, by such and such date. From that time on the parties, wither 2 or 3, should each have several debates and that's it. No side adds on TV, radio, papers, Internet, any thing .
I'm not just sure what you're getting at, but if you are suggesting that millions should go to 3rd world, what are the governments of 3rd world nations doing for themselves?
At least that's private money... How many homeless could be fed AND HOUSED if we werent' spending 2 BILLION dollars a day on an illegal war????
i can't believe the answerers who deride the homeless or poor. as much food as gets thrown away from events like the political campaigns, you could feed a lot of people. generalizing is easy to do. but there are kids that have no choice. are you talking about them? i bet that half of the people that answer like that are one step away from the street or have been to shelters or have taken free meals. what a bunch of wusses.
Not as many as could be fed with the money wasted on the war.
To whom would you feed the homeless?
You could buy a lot of wine and beer with that money.
Somalia would become a tourist attraction (happy clouds included).

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