Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What do you think of campaign commercials ?

Personally I feel there ought to be a bill passed stating that campaign commercials should only be used to inform the people of that persons political veiws and what they are going to do for us if put in office.So we actually know what that person stands for. All I heard from EVERY commercial is what party they are and them bashing the other cadidates of the opposite party. They are an injustice to the American people and a waste of our time. They are insulting our intelligence, It`s like they are telling us just vote REP or DEM etc...even if you don`t know who I really am and what if anything I`m going to do for you.Thats what is causing so much compitition among parties and why they can`t work together. That`s why are government is full of idiots that have no drive or enough brains to do the job, but they had enough money to get elected.What do you think of campaign commercials ?
i agree with you. campaigns have become a mud slinging contest, with no consideration of the publics need to hear a candidates standing on any given issue. lip service is given to the most popular subjects, but no real substance is contained in their rhetoric.What do you think of campaign commercials ?
I don't like them at all they areto negative and diabolical for my liking.
this year they paid off for the dems the rubber stamp repub congressman had no answer for voting with bush 98% of the time .yes i rather liked them.for example in my district which is 65%democrat we had a republican melissa hart as our the commercials it was shown that she voted for bush policys nearly 100%.therefore neglecting 65%of her constituants so her reward was the 65% ignored her on election day. we threw her out ....the ads pointed her record out for all to see and she had no answer for that....
  • tvs
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