Friday, February 12, 2010

What campaign strategy you would employ if you were to run to President?

Critizice everyone else: the current administration, my opponents, the other party, other politicians, forgein leaders, forgein policies, other people, just blame, blame, blame everyone else but me. Then, I'd be sure to say how I'm perfect and so much better than everyone else. That should work. Oh yeah, and spend excessive amounts of money on putting my name everywhere. I'd be sure to win!What campaign strategy you would employ if you were to run to President?
Work the South through black churches and other traditionally African-American groups, point out to the working class of all colors how much they've lost with the disapperance of manufacturing jobs and NEVER fail to express religious and family values (sometimes hard for an Episcopalian).

The midwest would be similar: blue collar traditional Democrats. The northeastesrn liberals mostly want to know that one is progressive on social issues and well versed in economics.

The west could be difficult for me but I would stress water concerns, human rights and civil liberties.

Finally, I'd pick a running mate who could win a big state I normally would not.What campaign strategy you would employ if you were to run to President?
I'd be honest, that's why I wouldn't have a chance.
I would surely have to keep and eye on the Clinton Maffia family. So many of their acquaintances have died mysteriously. I would watch my back for sure, the backstabbers son of .......
act do what the people want

and not what i want to do

and do it n not sit on my ***

and reach out to all people not just one race, class, or religion
Change the rule that says you have to be born in the US to

become President of the US.

That's the first hurdle.

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