Monday, February 8, 2010

What would be a good campaign slogan for the average joe party?

it's a political party i'm making up for a projectWhat would be a good campaign slogan for the average joe party?
WSU (Working Stiffs United)

WAGFOK (We All Gotta Feed Our Kids)

JQP 4 BUSA (John Q. Publics for a Better United States of America)

Let me k now if you use one of these. Best of luck on your project.What would be a good campaign slogan for the average joe party?
If I was running I would use this: We count your vote, not your money.

I also thought of: ';I want your vote not your money'; as if I was going to run and not accept any campaign contributions to see if I could get enough people interested on the grass-roots level, and it would cost nothing to the voter but their vote.

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