Sunday, February 7, 2010

Does anyone have any good slogans for an animal shelter campaign?

Recently in my city the funding for a new Animal Control facility was turned down, even though not all of the commissioners were present to vote. We are getting the chance to present the issue again in August. On the day of voting a group of volunteers will be holding a professional demonstration in front of the courthouse and we are looking for ideas for slogans that could either be put on t-shirts or on signs. Any serious ideas would be greatly appreciated! I am in desperate need of ideas for sign slogans that target the ';no'; voters. It is unlikely that we'll convince them to care about Fluffy or how many animals are suffering. With that in mind, sign topics should focus on the following issues:

1) why building is good use of taxpayer dollars %26amp; not too expensive

2) public safety (i.e. dog bites)

3) Voting yes

4) How prolonging the voting could effect the community, etc.Does anyone have any good slogans for an animal shelter campaign?
Maybe saying something about representing (or being the voice) for those that cannot speak. We domesticated these animals. It is our responsibility to take care of them.Does anyone have any good slogans for an animal shelter campaign?
Dog, it's not just for dinner anymore.
they will be here,or in your hair.

dog gone it they're gone!

a dog in the pound is worth two in the bush. (my favorite)

make no bones about it, support dog habitat.
Don't treat your pet like an animal!
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. -Mahatma Gandhi

You could perhaps alter this to read something like, ';The greatness of (your city name) will be judged by the way its animals are treated';.

Or you could even fill in the (city name) part with individual names of the commissioners who voted against it.
ok well if u r bording dogs there to then i would go with board your dog or forever hold your leesh!! cute huh???
';vote yes for the animal shelter then you will not have to be a welter ........ then you will feel more for the animals and help more animals!!!';

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