Sunday, February 7, 2010

How did each campaign use the media (all forms) and technology to reach key audiences?

Obama used the internet and liberal media to push his agenda. He had a lot of help from socialist university and college professors, Hollywood, even public school teachers.

Unions played a big part too.

McCain played the game fairly, so he thought. He underestimated the massive role of ACORN, and the like.

He took donations to his campaign fairly, not allowing fraudulent donations.

Obama had thousands of donations from Micky Mouse and the like. Obviously against the rules, but no one cared. Many donations came from outside the country too, another fraud.

ACORN was under investigation for voter fraud in many states, but this has been swept under the rug too.

So, the answer to your question is complicated, but you can be sure, it was not exactly without corruption on a massive scale.How did each campaign use the media (all forms) and technology to reach key audiences?
Most of the media was in the tank with Obama and pushed him on the voters. They lied about or did not report the negative things about him, especially his shady background and lack of citizenship issues. They oohed and aahed over him like he was some kind of movie star...all propaganda. They can't even call themselves journalists after that...just writers of lies and propaganda.How did each campaign use the media (all forms) and technology to reach key audiences?
The liberal media pushed Obama to the finish line...ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN, CNBC, NY Times, People, Times, Newsweek, Oprah, Saturday Night Live, Jay Leno, and the world net web....The right...only had FOX and they were attacked by those liberals.
  • tvs
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