Friday, February 12, 2010

Aren't we lucky McCain suspended his campaign and spearheaded the economic stability act?

I wouldn't have lost my 401K if he didn't.Aren't we lucky McCain suspended his campaign and spearheaded the economic stability act?
Yes, I mean where would we be without all of his admitted ';lack of knowledge on the issue'; and his ';sitting in a room quietly'; and then after the bill he supported got passed he said lets veto it! I mean I love the ';straight talk'; and dedication he has! Anyway, Im going to get billions of thumbs downs but I don't care! He himself said he has a lack of knowledge on the economy and he literally sat quietly in the gathering her requested? It was reported that at least at the end Obama asked questions and never FLIP FLOPPED on his support of the bill but the McCainanites will say otherwise!! VIVA IGNORANCE!!!Aren't we lucky McCain suspended his campaign and spearheaded the economic stability act?
Obama literally phoned in his answer to the crises. People complained that Bush spent some time reading a book to children when 9-11 attacks came and then they gave Obama a free pass for doing speeches while Congress was trying to get a bailout going. Bush literally had to call Obama back to do his job as head of the Democratic Party.
Yeah...geez imagine how bad it would be if he didnt!

Hope everyone in America is asking themselves this question.
Erratic and Unstable. Not Presidential.
I guess he felt he had to do something after saying the economy was stronge
You betcha!
That was nothing more than a political stunt. Are you for real?


he just sat there!
In the end, I don't think it really matters. :P

We're just reaping what we've sown and no government can fix that.
And where was Obama. . . . ? He was on his cellphone not even doing his job as senator.

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