Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why some people are making vilification campaign against Obama, that he hates America?

it seems, by telling lies several times,it will become truth and gullible people would believe that slanderous propaganda.Why some people are making vilification campaign against Obama, that he hates America?
It's an exercise in logic. Would someone who hates America run for the highest office in the land, campaigning thousands of miles for months and months, talking to people who are in the lower class who have it tough, answering to reporters, going through all of these political smears, debating the other candidates over and over, making speeches, taking interviews, and discussing the issues over and over and over, all in this country he completely hates and can't stand?

Would he do all this after working as a community organizer in the poorest parts of Chicago for years, and then as a lawyer, all in this country he hates? He must really hate his job, then, considering he has to answer to the American people in Congress all the time.Why some people are making vilification campaign against Obama, that he hates America?
I don't know that he HATES America, but he hardly respects it. People are fairly judged by their actions and their public statements. Senator Obama has had multiple chances to publically say that he does or doesn't support the flag and what it represents to this country. It isn't vilifying him to say that he PUBLICALLY had shown a lack of respect by choosing not to put his hand over his heart and show proper respect for America during the pledge of allegience. I could not now or ever support someone for president with this little respect for what thousands of men and women have died to give us!! That's NOT propaganda - it's truth and if it hurts, think about it!
It is an attempt to sway those people who vote based on emotion . Most of the time the only people who believe lies are the people who have already made their mind up. Bush got elected and it did not matter how many people said he lacked the thoughtfulness needed to become president. Even after four years people reelected him after seeing the proof. If enough people believe a certain way, they refuse to see their folly. No election seems to be won on the basis of logic or truth, but on ideology. We just have to hope for the best.
Because they can't win on the issues against Barack.
I think that there is always scrutiny in campaigns and no one can expect a free ride.
Because they are desperate to defeat him, but they won't
Because they can't win on the issues.

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