Monday, February 8, 2010

How to make a good campaign for 6th grade class president.?

I think you should try to have a chat with one of the teachers who is a sponsor for the class officers. Ask her what past presidents have accomplished and what kind of things you might be able to do as President. Then, you will be able to know what kind of stuff you can talk about during the campaign (and leading up to it).

If you can use MS Word, then create a poster with your name and some information about yourself that will let everybody to know ';who you are';. And include one or two ideas you have about things you can try to change in the school. Good luck. How to make a good campaign for 6th grade class president.?
promise to give everyone universal health care. How to make a good campaign for 6th grade class president.?
Ah I know where you're coming from. I ran for 6th grade pres too! Well it's not as hard as some think. Try saying hi to a new person each day during the campaign. If they see that you care about the people, they will want you to represent them. Keep the posters limited, and keep them creative. Something too professional will turn people off, so show some spontaneous. Write a decent speech, and review it several times.

Good luck!
Nobody knows you in the sixth grade.

Just be extremely nice, and answer alot of questions.

Next thing you know youll be president lol.

See im not saying you are, but a girl in my class who now smokes acted just like that in the sixth grade since nobody knew her, and she was class president.

Its pretty easy so dont worry about it lol

Best of Luck =)

as for the campains stuff, posters are easy to make lol.
take a survey on what your classmates want. be very outgoing.only make promises that you can follow thru with. make cupcakes and hand them out

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