Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Reactions to the Presidential Campaign?

I think we all can admit that this Presidential election has become really ugly, disrespectful, dishonest and sometimes hateful. I understand that some people are intense and passionate about their political views; however, I'm amazed and embarrassed about our reactions about the candidates during the campaign. Why is it that we can not disagree and be civil to each other at the same time. As Americans, we look so immature when we fight over petty things and avoid the issues! Also, why is the UNITED States separated by parties?

Our Reactions to the Presidential Campaign?
John McCain is getting the same type of media Richard nixon did first time around and his campaign is sadly beginning to remind me more and more of bob dole. Obama has obviously made this historicall and is a media machine probably even more so than Clinton. If McCain wins I will be amazed. The 2 party system reassures Americans a democracy if it were limited to 1 party it would be communism.Our Reactions to the Presidential Campaign?
Well you have got your moochie,killing babies, gay marriage, tree huggin, people and then you have the rest that believe in working hard for your money. A life begins at conception. Marriage is between a man and a women. Oh and global warming is blown way out of proportion So you see that's why we can't get along.....

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